Yesterday was Cinco De Mayo. The day before that it was May 4th Star Wars Day. Last week was Arbor Day.
Wow so many holidays! And you know what? These are just the “big ones”.
There seems to be a ‘holiday’ for anything you may be able to think. So, do you know what your special day is?
I’m ashamed and embarrassed to say, I’ve missed my special day.
No, not my birthday, I of course remembered and celebrated that. My anniversary?
No, I managed to remember that as well.
I’m talking about January 11th, National Marketing Day.
In case you need some ideas about picking and promoting your special day, here are some examples of “holidays” for a variety of verticals.
Examples of Promotional Holidays
March 6 – National Dress Day
March 19 – National Backyard Day
April 4 – National Vitamin C Day
June 21 – National T-Shirt Day
September 19 – National Volleyball Day
October 22 – National Nuts Day
October 24 – National Food Day
November 19 – World Toilet Day
And what if you can’t find a special day to celebrate for the purpose of promoting your business?
If all else fails, you can always make up your own. That is what Amazon did and now Amazon Prime Day is household term, well at least in my house.
Remember, the difference between Earth Day and Arbor Day comes down to simply better marketing!
Speaking of marketing. If you are currently using Google Ads, I invite you to checkout a new video I recently shared.
The FASTEST way to GROW your business using Google Paid Ads is by INCREASING YOUR PROFITABILITY and this video details the best way to do just that!
Happy Celebrating & Happy Marketing
Andy Splichal is the founder and managing partner of True Online Presence, author of the Make Each Click Count book series, host of the Make Each Click Count podcast, founder of Make Each Click Count University and certified online marketing strategist with twenty plus years of experience helping companies increase their online presence and profitable revenues. In 2020, he was named to Best of Los Angeles Awards’ Most Fascinating 100 List. To find more information on Andy Splichal, visit or read The Full Story on his website or his blog,