by asplichal | Oct 5, 2020 | eCommerce, Google Shopping, Proper Maintenance
One of the common misconceptions for those new to advertising with Google Shopping is that you want to generate as much traffic as possible. As with any marketing channel where you pay for traffic, this is blatantly false! With Google Shopping unlike Google Search there are no keywords. Instead, Google uses their algorithm to match […]
by asplichal | Oct 18, 2017 | eCommerce, Google Shopping, Professional Services, Proper Maintenance
Did you ever have somebody say they did you a favor, but after hearing what that favor was you didn’t know if the favor was really for your good or for theirs? This recently happened with Google and their new change to how daily budgets are going to work. Previously, advertisers would set a daily […]
by asplichal | Apr 12, 2016 | eCommerce, Google Shopping, Professional Services
In February of this year, Google made a dramatic change to how it displays ads for search results. They removed all right side text ads from desktop searches with the exception of PLA/Google Shopping ads. This change reduces the number of maximum text ads on any desktop search from 11 to 7. What does this […]
by asplichal | Jan 15, 2016 | eCommerce, Google Shopping, Professional Services, Proper Maintenance
Adding negative keywords to AdWords Campaigns along with adding new search terms that utilize various match types are important ways to improve a Google account’s profitability. These two issues are so essential to running a successful AdWords account that I have dedicated entire past blog posts to two different subjects. For a review of each, […]